A More Effective Joint Pain Remedy Treatment
According to many, cetylmyristoleate, as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever, has no equal. That same crowd will also say that CMO or (CM8-as it is sometimes called) sits atop the throne as king of the joint pain relievers and as a an immune system modulator.Why, you may ask? is it so well received amongst the medical community and the thousands of users who swear by it? Well, one reason is its origin- it is an all-natural highly pure waxy type of ester that is modified to be taken orally.
It has no harsh chemicals or any type of drugs that can cause you harm. CMO is basically a fatty acid.The best part about cetylmyristoleate is.... it attacks the source of your pain and inflammation and goes right to the joint. Because the ester substance is of a waxy form (fatty acid), it is able to "ooze "into joints and "lubricate"the region enough to allow for joint movement (range of motion) and most importantly --the reduction or even elimination of the awful pain.
Stop Arthritis Joint Pain Now! CMO to the Rescue!
Although Glucosamine and Chondroitin receive most of the fanfare these days, their "luster" has begun to tarnish as of late with poor testimonials; poor clinical studies and more and more talk about the dangers of taking Chondroitin. In the meantime, cetylmyristoleate has moved into the preferred position as "the" joint pain reliever. CMO began its historical rise to take the preferred position as "the" joint pain reliever back in the early1960's by Harry Diehl who was a research chemist working out of the National Institutes of Arthritis in Bethesda, Md.
(National Institutes Of Health) While studying the immunity of mice to arthritis, he discovered cetylmyristoleate.Through his research and development his findings were first published in the 1994 issue of the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. With the double studies that followed, it was concluded,indeed, that CMO is effective in the treatment of many forms of arthritis and joint pain.
The admirable combination of effectiveness and safety (over 10,000 people die yearly from NSAIDS) sets CMO up as the "go-to" joint pain supplement for the coming years. Cetylmyrisitoleate is so non-discriminating with its lubrication of the joint region that it is equally effective on Degenerative Osteoarthritis; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Gout; Bursitis; Spinal Stenosis; sports related injuries; and even Fibromyalgia pain.
Popular joint pain treatment ineffective
Although CMO is not a cure for any of these ailments; it will lubricate the joint region and decrease the inflammation to a point where it could potentially add to ones positive quality of life.Remember that not all pain relief systems help all people-- and this one is no different. Research shows that cetylmyristoleate works on about 80% of those who use it, typically within 3or4 weeks. Since its premise is joint lubrication from the ester (fatty acids) it is pre-sumed that there is a good chance that it will be effective.
Although Glucosamine and Chondroitin together are the popular 'In Vogue Duo" joint pain relief system today-their effect on many people is inconclusive at best. My take on all this? Test any quality cetylmyristoleate product for yourself. Give it enough time for you to get a good meter of its effectiveness, (maybe 2-4 weeks) and see how you feel then. One thing is for sure---there won't be any questions; you'll have peace of mind; and who knows? You may even feel pain free!

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